Thursday, August 10, 2006

2 things...

i am reading C.S.Lewis' space trilogy, and he is a genius. i was worried the story would not be interesting enough to hold my attention...but here and there are these truly brilliant ideas; i keep turning the pages simply to find out what he will write next. last night i read a paragraph where one of the characters was trying to explain that everything is essentially the same, but moving at different speeds. light and sound seem like they are not solid bodies, but really they are just moving faster than we are. and things that seem invisible are simply moving faster than light, etc. brilliant.

has everyone seen the movie "Contact"? well, i think it's amazing...but there is one scene that has been in my mind all day, and i can't figure out why. the main character comes to the point of stepping out into the unknown...where she can turn back or go for it...and she sits in the chair barely able to handle the pressure, and says over and over "I'm ok to go..." i don't know why that is in my mind right now. if i am about to jump into something scary and unknown, i hope i am that brave. the end.


Blogger thispresentsojourn said...

i haven't read any of the trilogy.

it was good seeing you for >5 seconds the other day! hope you are doing well, charla.

how are things with your job? does it feel different a few weeks later?

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As any good creationist will tell you, Contact was made from a book written by Carl Sagan who is like the anti-Christ of Creation "Science". There's really not a point to that sentence. I think I just wanted to be a little elitist.

I hope we are all broken each day. I know I need it at least twice a day. Hope the new church is going well.

1:46 AM  

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